Saya tidak sanggup memposting sesuatu yang baru karena ...entahlah......ada yang mengganggu pikiran saya amat sangat, hari ini. Sejak subuh. Tapi menjelang sore, saya iseng membuka situs you tube untuk mencari-cari hiburan. Dan bertemu saya dengan sebuah lagu. Saya mulai mendengarkannya. Saya berdoa. Dan....thanx God......selalu ada penghiburan dari YANG DI ATAS JIKA KAMU MENCARINYA.....
Cuma itu dulu. Saat ini.
(silakan click judul lagu di bawah ini untuk bisa menikmati PENGHIBURAN yang dikirim TUHAN bagi saya hari ini)
Dolly Parton - Jesus & Gravity www.youtube.com
I'm to the point where it don't add up
I can't say I've come this far with my guitar on pure dumb luck
That's not to say I know it all
Cause everytime I get too high up on my horse I fall
Cause I've got
Somethin' lifting me up
Somethin' holding me down
Somethin' to give me wings and keep my feet on the ground
I've got all I need
Jesus and gravity
But I'm as bad as anyone
Taking all these blessings in my life for granted one by one
When I start to thinkin' it's all me
Well somethin' comes along and knocks me right back on my knees
And I've got...
Somethin' lifting me up
Somethin' holding me down
Somethin' to give me wings and keep my feet on the ground
I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity
He's my friend
He's my light
He's my wings
He's my flight
I've got somethin' lifting me up
Somethin' holding me down
Somethin' to give me wings and
Somethin' to keep my feet on the ground
I've got all I'm gonna need
I got Jesus, I got Jesus,
I got somethin' lifting me up
Somethin' holding me down
Somethin' to give me wings and keep my feet on the ground
I've got all I'll ever need
Cause I got Jesus and gravity
I got somethin' lifting me up
Somethin' holding me down
Somethin' to give me wings and keep my feet on the ground
I've got all I'll need
Cause I've got Jesus and gravity
Jesus, I've got Jesus, I've got Jesus
He's my everything
He lifts me up
He gives me wings
He gives me hope
And He gives me strength
And that's all I'll ever need
As long as He keeps lifting me up
He is my life
He is my God
He is my wings
He is my flight
Lift me
I've got Jesus, I've got Jesus
And that's all I need
Tabe Tuan Tabe Puan
12 komentar:
Itu dulu sahabat blogger. Hati saya sedng "rusuh".....GBU and so do I....
buat sahabat bm,
There will be peace
Well I'm tired and so weary
But I must go on Til the Lord
comes and calls me away
Where the Morning is bright
and the Lamb is the light
and the night is as fair as the day
There will be peace in the valley for me (someday)
There will be peace in the valley for me (oh Lord I pray)
There'll be no sadness no darkness, no trouble
I see, there will be peace in the valley for me
Well the bear will be gentle
and the wolf will be tame
and the lion shall lay down
by the lamb (oh yeah)
and the beast of the wild
shall be led by the child
and i'll be changed
changed from this creature
that i am (oh yeah)
There will be....
*hang in there*
dengar di youtube disini!
Dear all,
Tadinya saya berniat menambahkan bahan osting tapi rasanya memang cukup ini dulu, hari ini.
Saya membuat beberapa penyuntingan. Semoga bermanfaat. GBU
oh maaf, pesan #2 dari saya (joshua)
@ Bigmike,
Lagu yang amat bagus. Penghiburan memang datang dari Tuhan.
Entah apa ang dirasakan oleh bigmike tapi sebagai sahabat kami bersimpati.
.....s long as He keeps lifting we up
He is our life
He is our God
He is our wings
He is our flight
Lift up us
We've got Jesus, We've got Jesus
And that's all we need ....
Keep on walking my friend
....."I've got Jesus! He's my everything!"....
Thank God for a TRUE message on this show! Praise the Lord...
Be strong my man, Bigmike (Sherly, CN, Oebufu)
@ Bigmike,
Hati yang rusuh is normal tapi mengatasinya dengan berdo'a sekarang langka banget2.
Keep on moving forward my man
Verry good song. Nice song. Be strong hoooiiii my boszzz...wakakakakak.....(Proxy73)
Pengalaman rohani yang berharga. Tuhan Yesus mengirimkan pertolongan dan penghiburan melalui sebuah lagu yang amat bagus. Selamat merenung (SH)
Gw suka lagu ini
Kawan, jangan terlalu dipikirkan hal yang sudah-sudah. Berdamai dengan diri sendir dan ingatlah, TUHAN YESUS selalu ada untuk menolong mu. DIA hanya sejauh doa. Salam dari jauh (Ing)
@ Bigmike,
Sahabat muda, jika hati memang sedang resah tempat terbaik untuk mengadu adalah TUHAN YANG MAHA ESA. I'll support you (Syamsudin)
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